Sunday, February 28, 2010

Things Could Always Be Worse

Lately, when my dad gives advice he has been saying, "Things could always be worse." Here is an example: I'll be horribly distraught because plans aren't coming together the way I want and my dad will sweetly say, "Things could be worse, you could be living in a hut in India." I always respond, "That is not helpful." However this past week my dad's advice came to life.

I'm taking care of Arjan for three weeks. He has a very dangerous driveway. Tuesday I drove off the edge and became stuck! I felt so dumb as the neighbors were trying to figure out how to deal with the mess I made. I felt so sorry for myself. I just couldn't get over it. Poor Tyler had to listen to me
repeatedly say, " I can't believe I did that!" Here is a visual:

Then just like my dad says things did get worse! The next night Tyler and I heard a crash and this is what we found:

(Keep in mind that this is the same driveway!)

A car had slid on ice, missed a turn, gone through the neighbors yard and fallen off a retaining wall onto Arjan's dad's car! It was quite a site! When I saw what happened I no longer felt sorry for myself! It is true things can always be worse. Instead of being suck on the side, I could have fallen off the side! So when you start to feel sorry for yourself just remember this lesson I learned.

Well dad my faith in you is restore. You are still a genius in my eyes!


  1. i will never forget shoveling this driveway!! i can't believe this!!! it is so crazy!!!

  2. oh my heck! How crazy is that!!
