Monday, January 25, 2010

The Payson, UT Temple

President Monson announced a temple is to be built on this piece of land in Payson, UT! I am so excited! I can't stop thinking about it. I am so grateful that there is going to be a temple right where I live! I am grateful that my children will be raised in the shadow of a temple. We are so blessed!

I got an email from my Stake President which said, "The temple will be ready for us, will we be ready for the temple?"


  1. I heard a little rumor that on Sunday, President Monson and President Utchdorf were seen driving around Payson. My stake president called up to Salt Lake, but the representative could neither confirm or deny them being here.

  2. i am actually REALLY excited about this. because last friday we went to the temple at 6 and got out at 10!!!! and the reason why is because there was a stake from spanish fork there.... it included SIXTEEN WARDS!!! ya over two hundred people. it was insane. anyway this is fabulous news!! :)
